Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Century of Posts

We are now at a full 100 posts on the blog! Aren't we excited? I know that I am. And given my love of the Byzantine filing system that I'm employing on From the Egg to The Apple we now can quantify what I've been talking about in my last 100 posts. Of course this is somewhat skewed as I'm digitizing numerous other journals to put it all into one source. Once that's all done I'll do this based on chronology! I'll bet you're looking forward to that. Without further ado, here is the breakdown of my current thoughts by categories and some comments to go along with them.

1. Overarching Topics

- Christianity, 57 posts (57%)
- Philosophy, 41 posts (41%)
- Art, 33 posts, (33%)
- Writing (my stories), 6 posts, (6%)
- Literature, 3 posts (3%)

Art probably shouldn't be an overarching topic, but at 33% it sort of needs to stay in there for the time being, but all of those posts are tied to Aesthetics.

I should probably have more than 6% of my posts being about my stories, but this is probably a bit distorted due to the fact that I'm blogging past journals. I don't know what my goal should be, but it should probably be higher than 6%.

2. Under the heading of Christianity, % based on posts tagged Christianity.

- Faith, 22 (38.6%)
- Theology, 21 (36.84%)
- Early Church, 12 (21.05%)
- Idol/Idolatry, 10 (17.54%)
-Godliness 8 (14.04%)
-Salvation 7 (12.28%)
-Baal 6 (10.53%)
-Heresy 6 (10.53%)
-Truth 6 (10.53%)
-Holiness 6 (10.53%)
-Humble 5 (8.77%)
-Suffering 5 (8.77%)

I made 8.77% the cutoff for an arbitrary reason.

Godliness should be higher since that's my current topic of interest. I'll work on that.

3. Biblical Figures (% based on posts tagged Christianity)

-Jesus 10 (17.54%)
-David 9 (15.79%)
-Paul 9 (15.79%)
-Joshua 8 (14.04%)
-Moses 8 (14.04%)
-Aaron 6 (10.53%)
-Saul 5 (8.77%)

Continuing with the arbitrary 8.77% policy.

Thank God Jesus is the highest one on this list, otherwise I'd be doing something wrong in my research on Christianity...

Joshua might be skewed because I've tagged both the figure and the book "Joshua". I'm not going back to change that.

4. Books of the Bible (% based on posts tagged Christianity)

-Joshua 8 (14.04%)
-Numbers 4 (7.02%)
-1 Timothy 3 (5.26%)
-2 Corinthians 3 (5.26%)
-Deuteronomy 3 (5.26%)
-Leviticus 3 (5.26%)

I didn't continue the 8.77% policy because it wouldn't work here. I chose 5.26% for the same reasons as the 8.77 number in previous categories, that is to say, no particular one at all.

5. Under the heading of philosophy (% based on posts tagged Philosophy)

-Aesthetics 33 (80.49%)
-Problem of Evil 9 (21.95%)
-Philosophy of Language 5 (12.20%)
-Philosophy of Religion 5 (12.20%)
-Epistemology 3 (7.32%)
-Political Philosophy 1 (2.44%)

6. A breakdown of Philosophers/Authors/Thinkers (%based on 100 posts)

-Tolstoy 30, (30%)
-Augustine 7 (7%)
-Burke 4 (4%)
-Hegel 3 (3%)
-Kant 3 (3%)
-Polycarp (3%)

Tolstoy heavy, but the current journal I'm working through included his book on Aesthetics, so that was expected. Burke is a bit of a surprise at 4% though.

Augustine is a favorite of mine so we'll see how long he remains second.

7. A breakdown of personal notes in the blog (% based on 100 posts)

-Prayer 37 (37%)
-Divorce 28 (28%)
-Separation Anxiety (27%)
-Alcohol 6 (6%)

Considering the current journal is from 2008, the divorce and separation anxiety isn't much of a surprise. Hopefully it will fall as I reach the next century of posts.

8. Writing (my writing that is) % based on posts tagged writing

-A Cornish Mess 3 (50%)

Everything else came in at 1 post (16.67%)

9. The "OTHER" Category

- Doctor Who 2, 2% of total
-Current Events 1, 1% of total
-Douglas Adams 1, 1% of total
-Roman History 1, 1% of total

I need more current events to be a better thinker. But, I'm in the mood for some Douglas Adams and Dr. Who

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