Unsorted Philosophy Texts to Read

Philosophy (Unsorted)

  1. Amiel - Amiel's Journal
  2. Aquinas, Thomas - Selected Writings (Penguin)
  3. Aquinas, Thomas - Summa of the Summa
  4. Aquinas, Thomas - Summa Theologica (Complete & Unabridged)
  5. Aristotle - The Basic Works (Modern Library)
  6. Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics (Penguin)
  7. Aristotle - The Metaphysics (Penguin)
  8. Aristotle - Poetics (Penguin)
  9. Aristotle - The Politics (Penguin)
  10. Aristotle - De Anima (Penguin)
  11. Aristotle - Physics (Oxford World Classics)
  12. Audi, Robert - Reasons, Rights and Values
  13. Audi, Robert - The Good in the Right
  14. Audi, Robert - Moral Perception
  15. Audi, Robert - Moral knowledge and ethical character
  16. Audi, Robert - Rationality and Religious commitment
  17. Audi, Robert - Naturalism, Normativity and Explanation
  18. Audi, Robert - Religion in the public square
  19. Audi, Robert - Moral value and human diversity
  20. Audi, Robert - Democratic authority and the separation of church and state
  21. Audi, Robert - Epistemology: A contemporary introduction
  22. Ayer, AJ - Language, Truth & Logic
  23. Ayer, AJ - The central questions of philosophy
  24. Ayer, AJ - Essays on Moral Realism
  25. Barrett, William - What is Existentialism
  26. Baumgarten - Metaphysics: A critical translation with Kant's Elucidations
  27. Berkeley, George - Principles of Human knowledge (Penguin)
  28. BonJour, Laurence - Epistemology: Classic Problems and Contemporary Responses
  29. BonJour, Laurence - The Structure of Empirical Knowledge
  30. BonJour, Laurence - In Defense of Pure Reason
  31. BonJour, Laurence - Philosophical Problems
  32. Brock, Werner - An Introduction to contemporary German philosophy
  33. Corduan, Win - Neighboring Faiths
  34. Corduan, Win - Mysticism 
  35. Corduan, Win- In the beginning God
  36. Corduan, Win- Pocket Guide 
  37. Corduan, Win - No doubt about it 
  38. Dancy, Jonathon - Ethics without principles
  39. Dancy, Jonathon - Practical Reality
  40. Dancy, Jonathon - Moral Reasons
  41. Dancy, Jonathon - Introduction to contemporary epistemology
  42. Descartes, Rene - Meditations and other metaphysical writings (Penguin)
  43. Descartes, Rene - Discourse on method and related writings (Penguin)
  44. Fitche - Introductions to the Wissenchaftslehre
  45. Fitche - Early Philosophical Writings
  46. Fitche - The Vocation of Man
  47. Fumerton, Richard - Epistemology
  48. Fumerton, Richard - Metaepistemology and Skepticism
  49. Fumerton, Richard - Knowledge, Thought and the case for Dualism
  50. Goldman, Alvin - Knowledge in a social world
  51. Goldman, Alvin - Epistemology and Cognition
  52. Goldman, Alvin - Stimulating Minds
  53. Goldman, Alvin - Joint Ventures
  54. Goldman, Alvin - Reliabilism and Contemporary Epistemology
  55. Goldman, Alvin - Social Epistemology
  56. Goldman, Alvin - Theory of Human Action
  57. Hume, David - Dialogues concerning natural religion (Hackett)
  58. Hume, David - A treatise of human nature
  59. Hume, David - Moral Philosophy (Hackett)
  60. Hume, David - An enquiry concerning Human understanding
  61. Jaspers - The Future of Mankind
  62. Kant - Critique of Pure Reason (Penguin)
  63. Kant - Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals
  64. Kant - Prolegomena to any future metaphysics (Hackett)
  65. Kant - An answer to the question: what is enlightenment (Penguin)
  66. Kuhn, Thomas - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  67. Kuhn, Thomas - The Copernican Revolution
  68. Kuhn, Thomas - The essential tension
  69. Kuhn, Thomas - The road since structure
  70. Lehrer, Keith - Art, Self & knowledge
  71. Lehrer, Keith - Theory of Knowledge
  72. Lehrer, Keith - Self-Trust
  73. Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics (Hackett)
  74. Leibniz - Philosophical Essays (Hackett)
  75. Leibniz - Theodicy
  76. Leibniz - The Monadology (forgotten books)
  77. Lessing - Lessings Theological Writings
  78. Lessing - Lessing: Philosophical and Theological Writings
  79. Locke, John - An essay concerning human understanding (Hackett)
  80. Locke, John - Two Treatises of Government
  81. Mendelssohn - Jerusalem: Or on a Religious Power and Judaism
  82. Mendelssohn - Writings on Judaism, Christianity & The Bible
  83. Mendelssohn - Mendelssohn: Philosophical Writings
  84. Mill, John Stuart - The Utilitarianism (Hackett)
  85. Mill, John Stuart - On liberty and the subjugation of women (Penguin)
  86. Moore, G.E. - Principa Ethica
  87. Moore, G.E. - Some Main Problems of Philosophy
  88. Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Penguin)
  89. Nietzsche - Beyond Good & Evil (Penguin)
  90. Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy (Penguin)
  91. Nietzsche - Why I am so Wise (Penguin)
  92. Nietzsche - Great Ideas Man Alone With Himself (Penguin)
  93. Nietzsche - Human, All too Human (Penguin)
  94. Nietzsche - Basic Writings (Modern Library)
  95. Nietzsche - The Genealogy of Morals (Penguin)
  96. Nietzsche - The Twilight of the Idols & The Anti-Christ (Penguin)
  97. Nietzsche - A Nietzsche Reader (Penguin)
  98. Nietzsche - The Will to Power
  99. Nozick, Robert - Anarchy, State & Utopia
  100. Nozick, Robert - The Examined Life
  101. Nozick, Robert - Philosophical explanations
  102. Nozick, Robert - Socratic Puzzles
  103. Nozick, Robert - Invariances
  104. Plato - Phaedrus (Penguin)
  105. Plato - The Republic (Penguin)
  106. Plato - Early Socratic Dialogues (Penguin)
  107. Plato - The Last Days of Socrates (Penguin)
  108. Plato - Theatetus (Penguin)
  109. Plato - Protagoras and Meno (Penguin)
  110. Plato - Timaeus and Critias (Penguin)
  111. Plato - The Laws (Penguin)
  112. Plato - The Symposium (Penguin)
  113. Plato - Gorgias
  114. Polanyi, Michael - Personal Knowledge
  115. Polanyi, Michael - Meaning
  116. Reid, Thomas - Inquiry and Essays (Hackett)
  117. Rousseau - On the Origin of Language
  118. Ruggiero, Guido - Existentialism
  119. Schelling - The Grounding of Positive Philosophy
  120. Schelling - Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom
  121. Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation
  122. Schopenhauer - Essays and Aphorisms
  123. Spinoza - Ethics (Penguin)
  124. Spinoza - Theological-Political Treatise (Hackett)
  125. von Herder - Philosophical Writings
  126. von Herder - Another Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writings
  127. Zagzebski, Linda - Virtues of the Mind
  128. Zagzebski, Linda - On Epistemology
  129. Zagzebski, Linda - Epistemic Authority
  130. Zagzebski, Linda - The Philosophy of Religion: An history
  131. Zagzebski, Linda - The Dilemma of Freedom & Foreknowledge
  132. Zagzebski, Linda - Omnisubjectivity
  133. Zagzebski, Linda - Divine Motivation Theory

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