Books to Buy List


  1. Burke, Edmund - A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
  2. Danto, Arthur - What art is
  3. Danto, Arthur - The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art
  4. Danto, Arthur, - Embodied Meanings
  5. Danto, Arthur - After the End of Art
  6. Danto, Arthur - The Transfiguration of the Commonplace
  7. Dewey, John - Art as Experience
  8. Foucault, Michel - Aesthetics, Method & Epistemology
  9. Goodman, Nelson - Languages of Art
  10. Hegel, Georg - Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
  11. Hofstadter, Albert - Philosophies of Art and Beauty
  12. Hume, David - Of the standard of Taste
  13. Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Judgment
  14. Lessing, Gotthold - Laocoon: An essay on the limits of painting and poetry
  15. Levinson, Jerrold - The pleasures of aesthetics
  16. Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Birth of Tragedy: Out of the spirit of music
  17. Oates, Whitney - Plato's view of art
  18. Ranciere, Jacques - The Politics of Aesthetics
  19. Schiller, Friedrich - On The Aesthetic Education of Man

  1. Vonnegut, Kurt - the sirens of Titan 
  2. Vonnegut, Kurt - mothers night
  3. Vonnegut, Kurt - pearls before swine
  4. Vonnegut, Kurt - slaughterhouse five
  5. Vonnegut, Kurt - slapstick 
  6. Vonnegut, Kurt - jailbird
  7. Vonnegut, Kurt - deadeye dick
  8. Vonnegut, Kurt - Galapagos 
  9. Vonnegut, Kurt - Bluebeard 
  10. Vonnegut, Kurt - hocus pocus
  11. Vonnegut, Kurt - canary in a cathouse
  12. Vonnegut, Kurt - God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian
  13. Vonnegut, Kurt - Look at the Birdie
  14. Vonnegut, Kurt - While Mortals Sleep
  15. Vonnegut, Kurt - Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons
  16. Vonnegut, Kurt - Palm Sunday
  17. Vonnegut, Kurt - A Man Without a Country
  18. Vonnegut, Kurt - If this isn't nice, what is?
  19. Vonnegut, Kurt - Bagombo Snuff Box

Christian Theology
  1. Arminius, Jacobus - The Writing of James Arminius (Vol. 1-3)
  2. Calvin, John - The institutes of the Christian Religion
  3. Calvin, John - Commentary on the Psalms
  4. Calvin, John - Sermons from Job

Classical History (Greece & Rome)

Greek Philosophy:
  1. Guthrie, Kenneth - The Pythagorean Sourcebook
  2. Heidegger - Parmenides
  3. Heraclitus - Fragments (Penguin)
  4. Kahn, Charles - Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
  5. Mazur, Joseph - Zeno's Paradox
  6. Nietzsche - The Pre-Platonic Philosophers
  7. Plato - Parmenides (Hackett)
  8. Popper, Karl - The World of Parmenides
  1. Petronius - The Satyricon 
  2. Plutarch - Lives Vol. 1 (Modern Library).
  3. Plutarch - Lives Vol. 2 (Modern Library)
  4. Plutarch - Fall of the Roman Republic (Penguin)
  5. Plutarch - On Sparta (Penguin)
  6. Plutarch - The Rise and Fall of Athens (Penguin)
  7. Plutarch - The Age of Alexander (Penguin)
  8. Plutarch - Essays (Penguin)
  9. Plutarch - Rome in Crisis (Penguin)
  10. Plutarch - The Rise of Rome (Penguin)
  11. Plutarch - In Consolation To His Wife (Penguin Great Ideas)
  12. Plutarch - The Moralia (Shilleto)

English History/Literature

  1. Alexander, Michael - The Earliest English Poems (Penguin)
  2. Anonymous - Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred (penguin)
  3. Anonymous - The Mabinogion (Penguin)
  4. Ashe, Laura - Early Fiction in England (Penguin)
  5. Beroul - The Romance of Tristan (Penguin)
  6. Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange
  7. Burgess, Anthony - Long trip to tea time
  8. Burgess, Anthony - The Wanting Seed
  9. Burgess, Anthony - Honey for Bears
  10. Burgess, Anthony - The End of the World News
  11. Burgess, Anthony - Napoleon Symphony
  12. Burgess, Anthony - Earthly Powers
  13. Burgess, Anthony - The Eve of Saint Venus
  14. Chaucer, Geoffrey - Troilus and Criseyde
  15. Chaucer, Geoffrey - Love Visions (Penguin) 
  16. Cynewulf - The Elene of Cynewulf
  17. Geoffrey of Monmouth - History of the Kings of Britain (Penguin)
  18. Huxley, Aldous - Crome Yellow
  19. Huxley, Aldous - Artic Hay
  20. Huxley, Aldous - Those Barren Leaves
  21. Huxley, Aldous - Point Counter Point
  22. Huxley, Aldous - Eyeless in Gaza
  23. Huxley, Aldous - After Many a Summer
  24. Huxley, Aldous - Time Must Have a Stop
  25. Huxley, Aldous - Ape & Essence
  26. Huxley, Aldous - The Genius and the Goddess
  27. Huxley, Aldous - Island
  28. Huxley, Aldous - Music at Night
  29. Huxley, Aldous - Ends and Means
  30. Huxley, Aldous - The Art of Seeing
  31. Huxley, Aldous - The Perennial Philosophy
  32. Huxley, Aldous - Science, Liberty & Peace
  33. Huxley, Aldous - The Doors of Perception
  34. Huxley, Aldous - Heaven and Hell
  35. Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World Revisited
  36. Huxley, Aldous - Literature & Science
  37. Huxley, Aldous - The Devils of Loudun
  38. Johnson, B.S. - Travelling People
  39. Johnson, B.S. - Albert Angelo
  40. Johnson, B.S. - Trawl
  41. Johnson, B.S. - The Unfortunates
  42. Johnson, B.S. - House Mother Normal
  43. Johnson, B.S. - Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry 
  44. Johnson, B.S. - See the Old Lady Decently
  45. Layamon - Brut
  46. Malory, Thomas - L'Morte D'Arthur (Penguin)
  47. Marlowe, Christopher - The Complete Plays (Penguin)
  48. Marlowe, Christopher - The Complete Poems (Penguin)
  49. More, Thomas - Utopia
  50. Nennius - History of the Britons
  51. Orwell, George - Burmese Days
  52. Orwell, George - A Clergymans Daughter
  53. Orwell, George - Keep the Aspidistra Flying
  54. Orwell, George - Coming up for air
  55. Orwell, George - Animal Farm
  56. Orwell, George - All art is propaganda
  57. Orwell, George - A collection of essays
  58. Orwell, George - Why I write
  59. Orwell, George - Facing Unpleasant Facts
  60. Orwell, George - Down and Out in Paris and London
  61. Orwell, George - The Road to Wigan Pier
  62. Orwell, George - Homage to Catalonia
  63. von Aue, Hartmann - Arthurian Romances, Tales & Lyric Poetry: The Complete Works

French History/Literature

  1. Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre - Dangerous Liaisons (Penguin)
  2. Dumas, Alexandre - The Count of Monte Cristo (Penguin)
  3. Dumas, Alexandre - The Man in the Iron Mask
  4. Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers
  5. Dumas, Alexandre - The Black Tulip (Penguin)
  6. Diderot, Denis - The Nun (Penguin)
  7. Diderot, Denis - Rameau's Nephew & D'Alembert's Dream (Penguin)
  8. Diderot, Denis - Jacques the Fatalist and his master (penguin)
  9. Hugo, Victor - Les Miserables (Penguin)
  10. Hugo, Victor - Notre Dame of Paris (Penguin)
  11. Hugo, Victor - The Toilers of the Sea (Modern Library)
  12. Marquis de Sade - Justine
  13. Maupassant - Bel-Ami
  14. Maupassant - A Parisian Affair & Other Stories
  15. Montesquieu - Persian Letters (Penguin)
  16. Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Proust 6-Pack
  17. Rousseau, Jean Jacques - The Social Contract (Penguin)
  18. Rousseau, Jean Jacques - A Discourse on Inequality (Penguin)
  19. Rousseau, Jean Jacques - Julie, or the New Heloise

German History/Literature

  1. Goethe - Faust Part 1
  2. Goethe - Faust Part 2
  3. Goethe - Elective Affinities: A Novel
  4. Goethe - Maxims and Reflections
  5. Schiller, Friedrich - The Robbers and Wallenstein
  6. von Schonwerth, Franz Xaver - The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales (Penguin)

Irish History/Literature

  1. The Wasting Sickness of Cu Chulaind

Italian History/Literature

  1. Nievo, Ippolito - Confessions of an Italian (Penguin)

Japanese Literature

  1. Dazai, Osamu - No Longer Human
  2. Dazai, Osamu - The Setting Sun
  3. Dazai, Osamu - Otogizoshi
  4. Soseki, Natsume - Sanshiro
  5. Soseki, Natsume - Kokoro
  6. Soseki, Natsume - Kusamakura
  7. Soseki, Natsume - I am a Cat


  1. Vardy, Peter - Introduction to Kierkegaard
  2. Lowrie, Walter - A Short Life of Kierkegaard
  3. Swanson, David - Something About Kierkegaard
  4. Kierkegaard - Fear & Trembling (Penguin)
  5. Kierkegaard - Either/Or (Penguin)
  6. Kierkegaard - The Sickness unto death (Penguin)
  7. Kierkegaard - The Essential Kierkegaard (Howard V. Hong)
  8. Kierkegaard - Works of Love
  9. Kierkegaard - The concept of Anxiety
  10. Kierkegaard - Purity of Heart is to will one thing
  11. Geisman, E.O. - Lectures on the Religious Thought of S. Kierkegaard
  12. Westphal, Merold - Kierkegaard's Concept of Faith

Latin American

  1. Allende, Isabel - The House of the Spirits
  2. Allende, Isabel - Eva Luna
  3. Allende, Isabel - The Stories of Eva Luna
  4. Allende, Isabel - City of the Beasts
  5. Allende, Isabel - Kingdom of The Golden Dragon
  6. Allende, Isabel - Forest of the Pygmies
  7. Allende, Isabel - Island beneath the sea
  8. Amado, Jorge - Captains of the Sands (penguin)
  9. Amado, Jorge - The Double Death of Quincas Water-Bray (penguin)
  10. Amado, Jorge - The Discovery of America by the Turks (Penguin)
  11. Arguedas, Jose Maria - Deep Rivers
  12. Asturias, Miguel Angel - The President
  13. Asturias, Miguel Angel - Legends of Guatemala
  14. Asturias, Miguel Angel - Men of Maize: The Modernist Epic of the Guatemalan Indians
  15. Bastos, Augusto Roa - I the Supreme
  16. Bolano, Roberto - The Savage Detectives
  17. Borges, Jorge Luis - The Book of Imaginary Beings (Penguin)
  18. Borges, Jorge Luis - The Aleph and Other Stories (penguin)
  19. Borges, Jorge Luis - The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory (Penguin)
  20. Borges, Jorge Luis - A Universal History of Iniquity
  21. Cortazar, Julio - Blow-Up: And other stories
  22. Cortazar, Julio - We Love Glenda So Much and a Change of Light
  23. Dario, Ruben - Selected Writings (penguin)
  24. Fuentes, Carlos - The Old Gringo
  25. Fuentes, Carlos - Aura
  26. Fuentes, Carlos - The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An intimate self-portrait
  27. Fuentes, Carlos - The Crystal Frontier
  28. Fuentes, Carlos - Where the Air is clear
  29. Lima, Jose Lezama - Paradiso
  30. Llosa, Mario Vargas - The Discreet Hero
  31. Llosa, Mario Vargas - The War at the End of the World
  32. Llosa, Mario Vargas - The Feast of the Goat
  33. Llosa, Mario Vargas - The Bad Girl
  34. Llosa, Mario Vargas - Death in the Andes
  35. Mallea, Eduardo - The Bay of Silence
  36. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - Memories of Melancholy Whores
  37. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - The Autumn of the Patriarch
  38. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - Strange Pilgrims
  39. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - The General in his labyrinth
  40. Marti, Jose - Selected Writings (penguin)
  41. Padilla, Heberto - Self-Portrait of the Other: A Memoir
  42. Puig, Manuel - Kiss of the Spider Woman
  43. Puig, Manuel - Betrayed by Rita Hayworth
  44. Puig, Manuel - The Buenos Aires Affair
  45. Sabato, Ernesto - The Tunnel (Penguin)
  46. Sabato, Ernesto - Angel of Darkness


  1. Adams, Douglas - The Meaning of Liff
  2. Adams, Douglas - The Deeper Meaning of Liff
  3. Adams, Douglas - Last Chance to See
  4. Adams, Douglas (Terry Jones) - Starship Titanic
  5. Alameddine, Rabih - Koolaids: The Art of War
  6. de Bernieres, Louis - Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord
  7. de Bernieres, Louis - The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman
  8. de Bernieres, Louis - Corelli's Mandolin
  9. Gaiman, Neil - Don't Panic: The Official Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Companion
  10. Gaiman, Neil - Good Omens
  11. Gaiman, Neil - Stardust
  12. Gaiman, Neil - Coraline
  13. Gaiman, Neil - Anansi Boys
  14. Gaiman, Neil - The Graveyard Book
  15. Gaiman, Neil - The Silver Dream
  16. Gaiman, Neil - The Ocean at the End of the Lane
  17. Gaiman, Neil - Eternity's Wheel
  18. Gaiman, Neil - Fortunately, the Milk
  19. Gaiman, Neil - Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions
  20. Gaiman, Neil - Short Fictions and WOnders
  21. Gaiman, Neil - Unnatural Creatures
  22. Grossman, Lev - The Magicians
  23. Grossman, Lev - The Magician King
  24. Grossman, Lev - The Magician's Land
  25. Kreeft, Peter - Between Heaven and Hell
  26. Roberts, Jem - The Frood: The Authorised and Very Official History of Douglas Adams
Russian Literature

  1. Bely, Andrei - Petersburg (Penguin)
  2. Chekov, Anton - The Shooting Party (Penguin)
  3. Chekov, Anton - The Steppe and Other Stories (Penguin)
  4. Chekov, Anton - The Duel (Modern Library)
  5. Chekov, Anton - An anonymous story (Dodo)
  6. Chekov, Anton - The Fiancee (Penguin)
  7. Chekov, Anton - My Life (The Art of the Novella)
  8. Chekov, Anton - Plays (Penguin)
  9. Chekov, Anton - Ward No 6 (Penguin)
  10. Chekov, Anton - The Kiss and other stories (Penguin)
  11. Chekov, Anton - A life in letters (Penguin)
  12. Chekov, Anton - The Lady with the little dog (Penguin)
  13. Chekov, Anton - The Party and Other Stories (Penguin)
  14. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The House of the Dead and Poor Folk (Barnes & Noble)
  15. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Double and the Gambler (Vintage)
  16. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Landlady
  17. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Uncle's Dream and other stories (Penguin)
  18. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Village of Stepanchikovo (Penguin)
  19. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Humiliated and Insulted (Alma Classics)
  20. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Notes from the underground
  21. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment (Penguin)
  22. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The idiot (penguin)
  23. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Eternal Husband and other stories (Mass Market)
  24. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Possessed (Penguin)
  25. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - The Adolescent (Vintage)
  26. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
  27. Gogol, Nikolai - The Diary of a Madman (Penguin)
  28. Gogol, Nikolai - The Overcoat and other short stories (Dover Thrift)
  29. Krylov, Ivan - The Frog Who Begged for a Tsar
  30. Leskov, Nikolai - The Enchanted Wanderer
  31. Leskov, Nikolai - On the edge of the world
  32. Leskov, Nikolai - Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (Penguin) 
  33. Pushkin, Alexander - Eugene Onegin (Penguin)
  34. Pushkin, Alexander - The Captain's Daughter
  35. Pushkin, Alexander - Boris Godunov and Other Dramatic Works (Oxford)
  36. Shalamov, Varlam - Kolyma Tales (Penguin 20th)
  37. Sorokin, Vladimir - Day of the Oprichnik
  38. Sorokin, Vladimir - The Queue
  39. Tolstoy, Leo - Childhood, Boyhood and Youth (classic reprint)
  40. Tolstoy, Leo - The Cossacks (Penguin)
  41. Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace (Oxford)
  42. Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina (Modern Library)
  43. Tolstoy, Leo - Resurrection (Oxford)
  44. Tolstoy, Leo - Family Happiness and other Stories (Dover)
  45. Tolstoy, Leo - The Kreutzer Sonata and other stories (Penguin)
  46. Tolstoy, Leo - Hadji Murad (Modern Library)
  47. Tolstoy, Leo - The Death of Ivan Ilych (Penguin) 
  48. Tolstoy, Leo - A Confession (Penguin)


  1. Apollinaire, Guilaume - Selected Writings (New Directions)
  2. Apollinaire, Guilaume - Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War
  3. Apollinaire, Guilaume -The Cubist Painters
  4. Apollinaire, Guilaume - Apollinaire on Art: Essays & Reviews
  5. Apollinaire, Guilaume - The Poet Assassinated
  6. Aragon, Louis - Paris Peasant
  7. Aragon, Louis - The Adventures of Telemachus
  8. Aragon, Louis - The Century Was Young
  9. Bataille, Georges - The Collected Poems
  10. Bataille, Georges - My Mother, Madame Edwarda, The Dead Man
  11. Bataille, Georges - Unfinished System of Nonknowledge
  12. Breton, Andre - Manifestoes of Surrealism
  13. Breton, Andre - Mad Love
  14. Breton, Andre - Communicating Vessels
  15. Breton, Andre - Anthology of Black Humor
  16. Caillois, Roger - Man, Play & Games
  17. Caillois, Roger - The Edge of Surrealism
  18. Caillois, Roger - Man & The Sacred
  19. Carrington, Leonora - The Hearing Trumpet
  20. Carrington, Leonora - The Seventh Horse & Other Tales
  21. Carrington, Leonora - The Stone Door
  22. Daumal, Rene - Pataphysical Essays
  23. Daumal, Rene - Mount Analogue
  24. Daumal, Rene - You've always been wrong
  25. Hugill, Andrew - Pataphysics: A useless guide
  26. Jarry, Alfred - Exploits & Opinions of Dr Faustroll Pataphysician
  27. Jarry, Alfred - The Ubu Plays 
  28. Joans, Ted - Teducation: Selected Poems
  29. Joans, Ted - The hipsters
  30. Leris, Michel - Nights as Day, Days as Nights
  31. Malet, Leo - 120 Rue de la Gare
  32. Miller, Henry - Tropic of Cancer
  33. Miller, Henry - Black Spring
  34. Miller, Henry - Tropic of Capricorn
  35. Miller, Henry - The Cosmological Eye
  36. Miller, Henry - The Colossus of Maroussi
  37. Miller, Henry - The Wisdom of the Heart
  38. Miller, Henry - Sunday after the war
  39. Miller, Henry - The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
  40. Miller, Henry - Why Abstract?
  41. Miller, Henry - The Time of the Assassins: A study of Rimbaud
  42. Miller, Henry - Sexus
  43. Miller, Henry - Plexus
  44. Miller, Henry - Nexus
  45. Miller, Henry - Stand Still Like the Hummingbird
  46. Nezval, Vitezslav - Prague with fingers of rain
  47. Polizzotti, Mark - Revolution of the Mind Andre Breton
  48. Queneau, Raymond - Hitting the streets
  49. Queneau, Raymond - Witch Grass
  50. Reverdy, Pierre - Pierre Reverdy (New York Review Books Poets)
  51. Richardson, Michael - The Dedalus Book of Surrealism, I: The identity of Things
  52. Rosemont, Franklin - Joe Hill
  53. Rosemont, Franklin - Revolution in the service of the marvelous 
  54. Rosemont, Franklin - An Open Entrance To the Shut Palace of Wrong Numbers
  55. Rosemont, Franklin - Jacques Veche and the roots of surrealism 
  56. Soupault, Phillippe - Last nights of Paris
  57. Soupault, Phillippe - I'm lying (Lost Roads)
  58. Valaoritis, Nanos - Odysseus Elytis
  59. Valaoritis, Nanos - An anthology of modern greek poetry
  60. Valaoritis, Nanos - My afterlife guaranteed
  61. Taylor, Simon Watson - Growing up with anarchists, surrealists and pataphysicians

Viking History/Literature

  1. Sturluson, Snorri -Heimskringla (History of the Kings of Norway)
  2. Sturluson, Snorri - The Prose Edda
  3. The Saga of The Volsungs
  4. The Sagas of Ragnar Lodbrok
  5. Bandamanna Saga
  6. Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss (Scholar's Choice)
  7. Egil's Saga (Penguin)
  8. The Vinland Sagas (Penguin)
  9. Eyrbyggja Saga (Penguin)
  10. Færeyinga saga
  11. The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki (Penguin)
  12. Njal's Saga (Penguin)
  13. Sagas of the Warrior Poets (Penguin)
  14. The Saga of the People of Laxardal and Bolli Bollason's Tale (Penguin)
  15. The Saga of Grettir the Strong (Penguin)
  16. Hrafnkel's Saga and other Icelandic Stories (Penguin)
  17. Orkneyinga Saga (Penguin)
  18. Gisli Sursson's Saga (Penguin)
  19. Seven Viking Romances (Penguin) 

  1. The Fables of Reason: A study of Voltaire's contes philosophiques - Roger Pearson
  2. La Religion de Voltaire - Rene Pomeau
  3. D'Arouet a Voltaire- Rene Pomeau
  4. Voltaire & English Literature, Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century
  5. Voltaire: A biography - Haydn Mason
  6. Voltaire - Haydn Mason
  7. Voltaire dans ses Contes - Jacques Van den Heuvel
  8. Disabled Powers: A Reading of Voltaire's Contes - Robin Howells
  9. Complete Works (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation) - Voltaire

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