Monday, March 26, 2018

How time travel was invented

With no rhyme or reason an idea of how time travel was invented popped into my head in church. I haven't written or edited anything on this work in months. To be honest, I haven't even thought about it. But, I was inspired in church today nonetheless.

Spacetime is curved.

The "GPS" Guidance system was mistakenly installed upside down. (Obviously will have to come up with a term other than global positioning system)

Captain ____ was quite surprised to arrive at his correct destination a million or so light years before he left.

Happy accidents like this tend to move evolution through paradigm shifts.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Dark spot

It's been a while since I've worked on my journals. I've been in a rather dark place for the past few months. In that time I've known only despair and depression, anger and frustration, hanging on to what needs to die in order to live. Not much has changed today. I'm just tired of being in that dark place. I'm not sure that I am capable or even willing to get to the place that everyone else seems to know that I need to be. But, I'm tired of the darkness too. So, I won't worry about that place where everyone thinks I should be as it is far away anyhow. I'll simply focus on right now and getting out of the darkness long enough to work on the things like this journal that bring me a modicum of happiness.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Review of Gulliver's Travels

(Originally written March 23, 2018)

My Goodreads review of Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

When I was a kid I read the abridged versions of classics like this one. As a reward my mother would have me read the unabridged versions and write a book report on them. A great way to spend your summer vacation, right? Being younger, I hadn't quite grasped satire. The first version of this book that I read included, A Modest Proposal. Needless to say the shock of reading about poor people selling their children off as food for the rich shocked me? Now, as an adult, and understanding a trifle more of what satire is, I can still say I was shocked by this book.

Swift is nearly as ruthless as Voltaire in his bluntness. He excoriates mankind and lays bare the ugliest parts of human nature to show those qualities to be inherent and truly fundamental. He hammers home the point that we all are merely Yahoos.

Beyond being good satire this book is a good story. It's easy to read and moves quickly. While it compares to Voltaire, I still find the pace of Candide to be preferable - but that is merely opinion, and not a rational fact.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Review of Early Irish Myths and Sagas

(Originally written March 7, 2018)

From my Goodreads review of Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz

Generally I enjoyed this book. As with any collection of short stories there are those that are superior to others; but, anyone that enjoys mythology will enjoy this book. The translator often compared these myths of the Ulster Cycle to the Mabinogion, which is fair. Personally though, I found the Mabinogion to be a better read.