Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Histories Finished

(Originally Written November 15, 2009 in The Journal)

So I finished The Histories by Herodotus awhile back. It was laborious to say the least. I would like to read it again but it will be a tough sell to my intellect.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Notes on The Histories

(Originally Written November 1, 2009 in The Journal)

The Histories

I'm not plowing through this month like I did in October. It doesn't read as smoothly as some of the other classics. It's good, very interesting but slower paced than other works I've read so far. It could be too that the I'm reading all of the footnotes as well as I go along.

Book 1 - The rise and fall of the Lydians
Book 2 - The history of Egypt
Book 3 - Good story of cruelty - cut each of the sons' throats and mix the blood with wine and drink. Then fight. Method of suicide - drinking bull's blood. "The Sacred sickness" - epilepsy.