Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Types of Christians

(Originally written August 7, 2007 in Notebook 17)

Types of Christians

There are many types of Christians, even within the realm of true Christians. It is common to mislabel a person as a Christian by their acts, mannerisms and habits. But a true Christian is one who has believed in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost and that this triune, yet One God has acted in history That above all else He came to earth as the Son and died on the cross for the iniquities of all men and will return to earth as conqueror and king. The true Christian, in believing this has surrendered himself to God and has become filled with the Holy Spirit. Once the man has submitted then God does the redeeming wok of making him a Christian.

Now that we have briefly differentiated a true Christian from someone mislabeled as such we have various types of Christians. These range from good to bad (not good to evil). At the worst end we have hypocritical christians.

A hypocritical christian is some one who, on a consistent basis, does what is contrary to the Sprit's instruction. He has submitted to God initially and become filled with the Sprit, but he does not submit to the Spirit's prompts on a regular basis. All Christians ignore these prompts some times and even act contrary to them on occasion. But, the hypocritical Christian does so more often than not.

The intellectual Christian is the theologian who does not act on his own knowledge of God. He can have a proper belief and intellectuals hold the instructions of the Spirit in the correct order. But when it comes to surrounding his heart to the Spirit's prompts he cannot do so.

The intellectual Christian can even act on the prompts, but not do so in the way that is asked. The intellectual Christian may tithe regularly (as can the hypocritical Christian) but not do so with an open heart. The actions of a Christian must flow from the heart of the individual, not the intellect.

Lastly, we have the Christ-hearte Christian. He acts on the prompts of the Spirt and does so with a willing heart. He has surrendered mind, body and soul to Christ and follows accordingly. The Christ-Heart Christian acts almost intuitively on the SPirit's prompting whereas the hypocritical fights the prompts or the intellectual Christian systematizes the prompts and acts out of the system, not the prompt.

In the end the Christian is a Christian and will be received in Heaven by God. But, those who are Christ-hearted will be the jewels of Heaven and most precious in His sight.

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