Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Beyond Good & Evil 230-239

(Originally written August 21, 2007 in Notebook 18)


The spirit is similar to the stomach: it has an urge to grow and increase and feel that it has increased (will to power); it also feels the need to contract, to disallow new entires, a lust for ignorance.

The spirit occasionally wills itself to be deceived. It also desires to deceive other spirits an hide behind its masks.

The spirit that wills deception is the will to mere appearance. Conversely, the spirit that demands knowledge and thoroughness is a will that is a kind of intellectual cruelty.

We must transfer man back into nature and remove him from his pedestal that demands a separate origin.


Learning changes us. It does more than preserve us.

In us there is something deep that is wholly predetermined.


(These are Nietzsche's truths, his "own" truths about women) [See page 352]

Woman wants to become self-reliant: "this is one of the worst developments of the general uglification of Europe" (Nietzsche, 352).

The woman wants everything but truth. The art of womanhood is lying therefore, truth is repugnant to her.

As men we love and adore the womanly instinct to lie: it makes our own truthful seeking ways seem as folly.


When women herald arguments from Madame Roland, Madame de Staël or Monsieur George Sand they offer the best counter-arguments known against emancipation and feminine vainglory.


Women know nothing about food and want to be cooks!

If woman had any reason in the kitchen they would have discovered the art of healing.

The utter lack of reason in the kitchen has impaired and delayed the growth of humanity.


Occasionally a few words can crystallize a society. Such was the case when Madame de Lambert uttered, "my friend, permit yourself nothing but follies - that will give you great pleasure".


Every noble woman believes that the Eternal Masculine will attract us higher


Seven Epigrams on Woman

(Wow): Such anti-woman rhetoric!


Men have treated women as birds: something refined and vulnerable, wild, strange, sweet and soulful, but as something one must lock up os it won't fly away.


One cannot deny the eternally hostile tension of man and woman.

It is shallowness when a thinker demands equality of the sexes.

A man of depth and severity and hardness must think of women as possessions.


Women abuse the respect they receive from men in this democratic age.

The woman who unlearns fear of men loses her womanly instinct.

As women become more powerful, woman is regressing.

Women's influence has decreased in proportion to the amount of increase in rights.

As women become more powerful in society they become more incapable of their first and last profession: giving birth to strong children.

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