Sunday, August 13, 2006

Metaphysics - Chapter 12

(Originally written August 13, 2006 in Book 6)

Metaphysics - Ch. 12 - Peter van Inwagen

Chapter 12 - Concluding Meditation

Van Inwagen doubts that any metaphysical mystery or unresolved question will be solved or answered.

So today she asked me to be her fiancee and not her husband. Not yet. Which basically means that she does not want a physical or any physical aspect of the relationship. I still need to be the husband financially, emotionally and every other facet - but, to hell with the physical aspect. That's so fucking easy for her. Fuck my wishes. They are not as important. I'm so pissed off. I've been trying to get a hold of her since 7 pm. It's now 10:45. No luck. Of course not. She's probably busy with a friend. I have a sickening feeling that she's doing something with Brad. I might lose my mind if she is.

Well, I finished van Inwagen's book Metaphysics. I don't agree with him on very many issues. I can't quite put my finger on it though.

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