Sunday, August 13, 2006

Metaphysics - Ch. 11

(Originally written August 13, 2006 in Book 11)

Life is shit. It will always be shit. Dress it as nice as you can, but never allow hope to fill you because then the shit tastes worse than ever.

Metaphysics - Peter van Inwagen

Chapter 11 - The powers of Rational Beings & the Freedom of the Will

Determinism vs. Free-Will

Common opinion holds that free-will is required by morality.

Free Will is the possibility of having choices then consciously making a choice between alternatives. Determinism holds that there is only one possibility and thus, no choice.

Determinism holds that while it appears that choices are being made between alternatives there are not really alternatives because the laws of nature demand a set future.

Incompatiblists hold that free will and determinism are incompatible. Compatibilsts hold that free-will and determinism are in fact, compatible.

Hobbes, Hume and John Stuart Mill were compatabilists. Kant was not a compatibilist.

Humean cause and effect declares that causes and effects are always events (also called event-causation).

Agent-causation states that events can be caused by agents, i.e. a person.

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