Monday, August 7, 2006

Metaphysics - Ch. 7

(Originally written August 7, 2006 in Book 6)

Metaphysics - Peter van Inwagen

Introduction to Part Three: The Inhabitants of this world

What makes a being rational? A capability to make statements, give orders and ask questions. Rationality is a great divide between animals and humans. Animals are completely irrational; they do not have it.

Chapter 7: What Rational Beings are there?

1. Human (only undisputed existence)
2. God
3. angels
4. gods
5. elves
6. fairies
7. trolls
8. rational aliens
9. rational computer
10. rational robots

Why are there rational beings?
1. They were created with a purpose by a personal deity
2. They exist due to an impersonal force (meaningful)
3. They exist as a necessary truth
4. They exist simply by chance.

Scientifically, the probability of life beginning on earth is incredibly unlikely. Given the enormously rare chance of the cosmos existing in the fine-tuned manner it does, it is plausible that it exists in such a way because it has been fine-tuned by a designer.

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