Thursday, March 22, 2007

Class Notes on Foucault and Foundationalism

(Originally written March 22, 2007 in Book 16)


Post-Modern French Philosopher

Language can alter our senses of reality.
Language is power.
Institutions that we construct is a way to wield power.

The concept of author is that which has emerged as a means of wielding power.

Foucault spent his lifetime deconstructing institutions so that we can live free of oppression by various powers.

"Author function" - guides an institution of discourse determines the status of particular discourse within a society.

Criticism: It's not really an argument. It has no evidence or justification. It's merely analysis and conclusion.

He can't live according to his thesis. Did He ever object to being called an author of his own books?

Criticism as revision (P-S impulse)
Criticism as scrutiny (Structural impulse)


Hermeneutic Universals - All experience is interpreted

Classical Foundationalism:
1) Indubitable Axioms
2) Deduce from indubitable axioms lots of other things with certainty
3) When we know that we know when you know (2nd order knowledge)

He argues that just because classical foundationalism is incorrect does not follow that hermeneutic universalism necessarily follows.

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