Saturday, March 17, 2007

Functions of Rules in Various Religions

(Originally written March 17, 2007 in Book 15)

Class Notes

Moral purity vs. Ceremonial Purity

Ritual defilement can:
1) Occur if something is so evil that it may not be touched
2) Occur if something is so holy that it may not be touched

Defilement results in either
1) of one's self
2) of the holy object

Taboo - ultimate form of ritual defilement

Functions of the Rules in Various Religions

Western Religions:
- God as Lawgiver
- People are accountable to God
- Includes interpersonal dimension

Eastern Religions
- Rules are intrinsic to the universe

Lutheran Conception of Law
- 1st use of the Law: makes possible a livable society
- 2nd use of the Law: "Schoolmaster" - display our sinfulness to drive us to the Grace in Christ
- 3rd use of the law: evidence of regeneration

Judaism conception of Law
- The law demonstrates the righteousness that is characteristic for the people of God.
- makes the world a better place
- limited demands on Gentiles
- not tied to heaven or hell in a strict sense

Islamic conception of Law
- Rules as a test to qualify for paradise

5 Pillars of Islam:
1) Confession
2) Prayer
3) Fasting
4) Almsgiving
5) Pilgrimage

Indic Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
- Rules are intrinsic to the universe
- divinity revealed the law
- binding on all beings, including gods

Confucianism's conception of rules
- rules bring about harmony among people
- harmony among people brings harmony in the universe

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