Thursday, November 9, 2006

Book Notes - Cicero

(Originally written November 9, 2006 in Book 11)


Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

Cicero was a lawyer. He became a consulship in 63 BC. But his excellent lawyer skills did not make him a good politician. He was ill equipped to deal with Rome's problems.

Cicero advocated for the Republic. His loyalty to the Senate and the old ways go him executed by Marc Antony in 43 BC.

Cicero turned to philosophy late in his political career. His roots were in the Peripatetic, Academic, old Roman and even Stoic schools.

Cicero was not at all original, but his hodgepodge background is indicative of Roman thought at his time.

What is Nature?

Cicero adopted the Stoic ethic, so his first job was to define nature.

Cicero criticized extreme Stoicism for its impracticality.

Cicero's modified Stoicism

Cicero hoped to marry the Stoic ideal of virtue (altruism) and real life practicalities.

Cicero distinguished between:
1) Laws as products of government
2) Laws based on the nature of things

Reason was the force that commanded men to act in accordance with nature, not some divine will.

All men are citizens of one state and subject to one law and equal.

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