Thursday, March 26, 2015

Some Clarification on From Sosua

On October 3, 2009, I wrote a little blurb in my moleskin called "From Sosua" that as I was editing it and typing it in here I found it a bit strange, maybe even creepy.

"I sit and admire the beauty of youth"

Not too bad, it sounds a bit stalkerish but nothing serious. I'm at the beach, doing some people watching. Sure, not too bad.

"There are four girls, not yet women, dancing among the waves...
...Excuse me a moment - cuba libre" 
Ok. We just slipped into something a bit weirder.
"Four girls blossoming into women dance in the waves. So I sit here and admire the beauty of youth".
All right. Full blown creeper alert.
In my defense, I was really working hard on developing a writing style and working on different voices in my head and at the moment I had just finished a couple of cuba libres while reading Ovid's Amores. I was trying to juxtapose the young teen girls against the old topless women from France behind me in a semi-humorous, quasi-poetic tone and after reflection some six years later I discovered to my horror that I sound a little bit sick in describing the situation. That being said the "beauty" I was admiring was the simplicity in which they were playing and not in some kind of perverted way. Maybe it didn't come off like that in 2009 or when you first read it, but you don't know me and could very well assumed that I had nefarious intentions in my people watching - which I didn't thank you very much. It's syntactically accusatory in reading it now, but it was an attempt on some of Ovid's sensibilities using what was probably not the best subject matter considering Ovid's penchant for scintillating work with his quill - if you know what I mean.

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