Sunday, October 29, 2006

Objectivity goals

(Originally Written October 29, 2006 in Epistemology)

Objectivity is one of the goals I wish to achieve in my philosophical inquiries. With sociological, psychological, religious and various other factors constantly seeping into my work this proves to be a daunting goal to achieve. Admittedly so, I have certain presuppositions and biases which are so interwoven into the very essence of my being a pure objectivity is almost unachievable. If you scoff at this admission and claim to be better than I and free of this difficulty you are intellectually dishonest. You're lying to yourself and in all honestly, you may only be fooling yourself, not the world.

There is no pure objectivity when human beings are involved. So how can I go about being objective. I follow no paradigm. There are no set rules for me to follow in any given investigation. I have likes and dislikes, but I refuse to become stagnant through sticking to any conventional methodology. I will not be pinned down by a scientific method or a single rational thought experiment. By approaching various investigations with numerous techniques I hope to achieve as much objectivity as is humanly possible.

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