Friday, February 10, 2006

Class notes on Descartes

(Originally written February 10, 2006)

Class Notes: Descartes: "I think, therefore I am"

Context for Descartes:
1) Rising Skepticism was taking over France
2) Rise of Science

1st Meditation

The Method of Doubt (a sort of vaccination)

Method of doubt: criterion of knowledge: indubitably
-This criteria doomed Descartes' theory from the beginning

Three phases of doubt:
1) The senses are untrustworthy
2) Dreaming vs. Waking
3) Evil Genius
- A being that attempts to fool me throughout my life

Uses the method of doubt to find a secure foundation for knowledge: Archimedean Point

2nd Meditation

Descartes' Archimedean Point: I exist

Gassendi's criticism - Descartes doesn't follow his own rules

External World
God guarantees the senses
God exists
Human Nature
Cogito - The indubitable belief (foundation)

What is the cogito?
- an inference?
- a syllogism?
- an intuition?

Criticisms of the cogito?
1) Russell's criticism
- How do we know the "I" has a referent

2) Begs the question:
- If the "I" does move a referent then Descartes approach is circular: I (who exist), think, therefore I am

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