Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thoughts on Boredom

(Originally written July 24, 2007 in Notebook 17)


Boredom is an enemy we all face. I think that it is our succumbing to boredom to the majority of breakdowns in society. Boredom with a job can cause a man to pity himself and so he sits at home and wastes away physically, mentally and spiritually. Boredom in marriage can lead to affairs. Boredom in life can lead to rash adventurousness that only causes pain. I think boredom could even lead one to suicide. How do we overcome boredom? What can we do?

Well, what is boredom? Is it not simply being unsatisfied with the particular moment we are at? Learning to be satisfied with our situations would lead to less boredom and therefore, less vice. But then again this answer is totally unsatisfactory because it does not provide us with any real proactive resolutions to the problem of boredom.

We honestly must look at every situation we are in as a unique moment in time and an opportunity to do something. That something is our purpose and our meaning which we can only arrive at through prayer and meditation. I truly find that when I am not spending time in prayer or meditation on something, anything, I find myself bored most often.

The problem of boredom is universal in that it can effect any and all. But I believe that the solution is particular and relative to the individual. You must search for yourself to escape boredom.

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