Thursday, February 15, 2007

Chapter 4 - Pocket Guide to World Religions (A)

(Originally written February 15, 2007 in Book 14)

Pocket Guide to World Religions
Win Corduan

Chapter 4 - Christianity


Christianity is derived from the fact that early followers of Jesus of Nazareth were called Christians ("Little Christs")

Christ is the Greek derivative of the Hebrew word for Messiah

Christianity is often collectively called "the church"

Numbers and Distribution

There are nearly two billion adherents of Christianity. It is by far the largest religion.

It is represented, nominally, in nearly every country.


Many symbols are associated with Christianity, most notably the cross.

Other prevalent images:
1) A lamb - representing Jesus as a sacrificial lamb
2) Dove - stands for the Holy Spirit
3) A fish - based on the Greek word for fish (ichthus). Icthus is used as an acronym for "Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter" meaning, "Jesus Christ, God's son, savior."

Many sects of Christianity have their own symbols.


Christianity and modern Judaism share a common heritage.

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