Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Gorgias, Isocrates, Plato & Aristotle Class Notes

(Originally written January 10, 2007 in Book 12)


Paideia - culture & education
Doxa - opinons: words can take you beyond the intellectual to lead to the soul

Isocrates (434-388 BC)

Born just before the end of the heights of Athenian culture.
Dies right after hearing that Philip of Macedonia had conquered the Greeks
Set up his school circa 393 BC

"Against the Sophists"
- Manifesto for his school
- Argued against "bad" sophists & against Plato

- mock defense against accusers
- shows his ethics and role in the community

- Eunoia
- Arete
- Paideia
- Phronosis
- Kairos

- The Power of words
- The magic of rhetoric is something that is beyond the reasonableness of its power


Philosophy of Education vs. Plato's

Philosophy - not searching for the perfect (Plato), more pragmatic. The study of contingent matters, not the eternal matters (Plato)

Against the Sophists
- Manifesto for opening his school

- A defense against a fake charge of corrupting the youth.

The role of Rhetoric: "With this faculty we both contend against others on matters which are open to dispute and seek light for ourselves on things which are unknown; for the same arguments which we use in persuading others when we speak in public, we employ also when we deliberate in out own thoughts; and, while, we call eloquent those who are able to speak before a crowd, we regard as sage those who most skillfully debate their problems in their own minds" (56).

Assumptions - Human, Nature

- Mixed people (good & Evil)
- People = mind, emotion, character

- Philosopher King - Good = Knowledge
- Masses of people - Evil = Ignorance

- Masses are noble
- Individuals are corrupt

Role of Rhetoric

Aristotle - Method
Plato - Communication
Isocrates -training (philosophy is part of rhetoric)

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