Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Noetic Structures

(Originally written September 20, 2006 in Epistemology)

Noetic Structure - refers to all of one's beliefs and these beliefs relationships to one another

i.e. belief z justifies belief y, belief y justifies belief x, belief x justifies belief w... etc. etc.

Where does the chain stop? Four solutions:

1) all of our beliefs are ultimately derived from unjustified beliefs
2) there is no end to this chain
3) The chain of beliefs is circular
4) The chain terminates in beliefs that need no further justification (Chisholm's view)

Chisholm subscribes to foundationalism and coherentism


1) Classic foundationalism - infallible/absolute
2) fallibilist/moderate

Directly evident - the truth of x is what justifies the proposition
Indirectly evident - truths based upon the directly evident

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