Monday, December 13, 2010

Community and II John

(Originally written December 13, 2010 in the Journal)

The Book of II John is a nice short little letter that hits on a few things that I hope that this blog will emphasize. First, it hits on the rewards of following God's commands and second, it hits on the community aspect of Christianity - something I think we are sorely missing in today's Church.

John writes that Jesus Christ, the Father's son will be with us in truth and love. He connects truth and love in the person of Jesus Christ. These two are inseparable and inextricably connected. And as we have the indwelling of Jesus Christ in us as Christians then we too have truth and love.

He also writes that he is writing an old command, one that we have had since the beginning - to love one another. What is love? Walking in obedience to God's commands. God is truth and God is love. By following God's commands we are walking in truth. But what are God's commands? "Love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, love you neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" (Matthew 22:37-40). If Jesus is the truth as John claims him to be in this short letter then his summary of the commandments to love God and to love one another is truth. We walk in truth and love when we obey God's commandments and what is our reward? Joy.

John writes also that seeing the dear lady's children walking in truth gives him great joy. Obviously as an apostle, John has walked with Jesus and spent his life dedicated to him. He receives joy through seeing others walk in truth. This leads me to point number two.

Christianity is about relationships, first to God and then to each other. What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all your heart. What is the second commandment? Well, it is like the first, love your neighbor as yourself. The summary that Jesus gave points to the importance of community within Christianity. We need to love each other and establish a strong community of believers that exists aside from Sunday mornings. Love isn't a once a week type thing. Love permeates and spreads in us like yeast, causing us to rise. And then, what is the reward of loving one another? What is the reward of fostering this community that we are called to? Joy. The apostle John, one of the twelve men who walked with the living, breathing Jesus Christ was not done with joy when Jesus left. He got joy through seeing others, a new generation rising up in the name of Jesus Christ. Joy comes through community because Christ comes through community.

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