Saturday, July 17, 2010

Storyline/Plotline of Habitaciones & Bulgogi

Originally written July 17, 2010

Characters in Bulgolgi (in DC)

Joseph Flanagan:
24 year old male
failing marriage
makes prosthetic limbs and works at a restaurant

Mark Switzer
24 year old male
strange but happy realtionship
Manages a bookstore

Felicia Tolley
22 year old female
college student
girlfriend of mark

Nicole Kelsey Flanagan
22 year old female
married to, then divorced to Joseph Flanagan

The story opens with the interplay of these four characters

Joseph is introduced in Habitaciones

Nicole should be introduced by her guy timeline. She calls each of these points her "chapters" and is excited to have Joseph as the "final chapter"

Mark is a college buddy of Joseph Flanagan. He should embody the collective U (including HS C. Linehan)

Felicia Tolley

Josh ? The Pisser

Meets Felicia on spring break. Felicia is drunk and messes around with the guy. They have a relationship for 7 months. Josh comes to visit and gets drunk tailgaiting. Felicia goes to take a nap afer the game. Josh gets in bed with her. Keeps lifting back the covers to check out Felicia's cute underwear. Felicia, "dude seriously, I'm trying to take a nap so uh, hands off the merchandise" in a good southern drawl. Josh doesn't take the hint. Felicia goes to shower (locks herself in the baño). Josh passes out and pisses the bed. Felicia wakes him up to go to dinner. She touches his chest, which is soaked. He showers. She discovers he's pissed the bed, put a towell on the wet spot and put a fan pointed directly on the bed. At dinner Josh gets real drunk again. Passes out in the living room. Told to leave the nextday. Josh, "I'm sorry. I just don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" Felicia: "If you don't know honestly I don't know what to tell you. Next day it's discovered that Josh pissed the comforter he slept on in the living room. Three months later the towells he used to clean up the second piss are discovered behind the bookcase when Felicia moves out.

Story Line (linear)

A. - Introduction of 4 DC Characters. Some incredibly awkward double dates between Josh Flanagan & Nicole Kelsey Flanagan and Mark Switzer and Felicia Tolley

NL1 Introductions: Joseph Flanagan, Mark Switzer, Felicia, Nicole

B. The Break up

NL 2 Break up stories 5 or 6 rapid fire

C. The misery

D. The Self-Help vs. The DR

E. Arriving in the DR

E3. DR Characters

NL3 imaginary existence of 4 main DC characters 20 years from now (dramitically bleak) - funny though



F. Leaves the DR


NL 4 Summary of Baseball experiences. 3 parts: playing, watching, collecting (movement of purity to corruption) Mention his unpublished satirical Essay, "Clean Race" or whatever I called it

NL 5 Latenight at Walmart


Z. Gets a call from Comedy Central to do a made for tv movie.

A-D in DC
E-F Stories from the DR
E2-E3 The Bulgolgi
G-H Book tour


JF & Nicole break up
JF slips into misery
-pivot point looking at offer to do peace core in DR or read the self help books
JF in DR
The Bulgolgi
JF returns to States
Book Tour
Comedy Central Calls

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