Sunday, October 8, 2006

LogiCola Exercises and my thoughts on them

(Originally written October 8, 2006 in Book 9)

LogiCola Exercises

1. u is t
t is E
no E is P
Therefore, u is not P.

Got it right

2. all C is T
no C is V
therefore, no T is V

Got it wrong

3. all D is T
therefore all T is D

Got it right

4. all B is F
some S is not F
therefore, some S is not B

Got it right

5. Some F is C
some C is R
therefore, some F is R

Got it right

6. all C is M
no M is D
some D is N
therefore, some N is not C

Got it right

7. all D is F
some R is not F
Therefore, some D is not R

Got it wrong

8. some C is not B
therefore some B is not C

Got it wrong

(Editor's note from February 5, 2017. This exercise goes on for another thirteen and a half pages in my composition book and really isn't anything more than just logical exercises, the majority of which I apparently marked myself wrong on. Aside from the logical problems there are two little sentences that I wrote regarding my feelings at the time. They occur on pages 13 (backside) and 23 (backside), respectively in my notebook number 9. These feelings are the only thing worth recording here, but you are more than welcome to go back and see the problems written out if you wish).

"This makes absolutely no sense!" - pg. 13b
"This is absolutely fucking pointless. Logic is the worst class ever." - pg. 23b

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