Friday, October 6, 2006

Steup and his internalism

(Originally written October 06, 2006 in Book 8)

Class Notes

-Defends internalism
-Justification is introspective and a priori
-"J-Factors" refers to those things that justify beliefs
-Internalism is about justification, not knowledge

Knowledge involves four aspects:
1) Belief
2) Truth
3) Justification
4) Degettierization

Truth and Degettierization are external. Belief and justification are internal.

The concept of justification is deontological (a matter of duty, obligation, etc.)

A person is epistemically justified if and only if she fluffs her epistemic duties.

Prove that you believe that I am not holding chalk at this moment and I will give you $100.

Alston's objection - Our beliefs are non-voluntary

Steup's replies:
1) Our beliefs are indirectly under our control
2) beliefs are no different than actions in this regard.

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