Done Read List

  1. Adams, Douglas - The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (3/27/15)
  2. Tolkien, J.R.R. - Smith of Wootton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham (4/28/15)
  3. Adams, Douglas - The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul (5/17/15)
  4. Cortázar, Julio - Hopscotch (traditional) (6/15/15)
  5. Jarvie, Gordon - Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales (6/23/15)
  6. Suetonius - Caligula (6/28/15)
  7. Apollonius of Rhodes - Jason and Medea (6/28/15)
  8. Breton, André - Nadja (6/30/15)
  9. Petronius - Trimalchio's Feast (7/7/15)
  10. Bataille, Georges - The Story of the Eye (7/7/15)
  11. Vonnegut, Kurt - Timequake (7/15/15)
  12. Queneau, Raymond - The Flight of Icarus (7/21/15)
  13. Unknown - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (7/24/15)
  14. Virgil - O Cruel Alexis (7/29/15)
  15. Lee, Harper - To Kill A Mockingbird (8/9/15)
  16. Lee, Harper - Go Set A Watchman (8/13/15)
  17. Homer - Circe and the Cyclops (8/14/15)
  18. Rulfo, Juan - Pedro Paramo (8/15/15)
  19. Twain, Mark - Humorous Stories and Sketches (8/21/15)
  20. Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities (11/13/15)
  21. Barnes, Jonathan - Early Greek Philosophy (1/9/16)
  22. Queneau, Raymond - Exercises in Style (1/9/16)
  23. Lucado, Max - Cure for the Common Life (1/9/16)
  24. Turgenev, Ivan - First Love (1/13/16)
  25. Stein, Gertrude - Picasso (1/19/16)
  26. Soupault, Phillippe - Last Nights of Paris (2/21/16)
  27. Hurston, Zora Neale - Their eyes were watching God (3/25/16)
  28. Daumal, René - A Night of Serious Drinking (4/17/16)
  29. Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (5/24/16)
  30. Abbott, Edwin A. - Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (5/24/16)
  31. Cervantes, Miguel - The Jealous Extremaduran (5/27/16)
  32. Alvarez, Julia - A Cafecito Story (5/27/16)
  33. Rushdie, Salman - Fury (6/11/16)
  34. Cormier, Robert - I am the Cheese (6/15/16)
  35. Fey, Tina - Bossypants (6/21/16)
  36. Ngugi wa Thiong'o - The River Between (6/25/16)
  37. Cisneros, Sandra - The House on Mango Street (6/28/16)
  38. Vonnegut, Kurt - Breakfast of Champions (7/5/16)
  39. Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 (7/13/16)
  40. El-Saadawi, Nawal - The Circling Song (7/28/16)
  41. Dahl, Roald - The Witches (7/30/16)
  42. Voltaire - Candide (8/8/16)
  43. Conrad, Joseph - Great Short Works of Joseph Conrad (8/25/16)
  44. Gaiman, Neil - Neverwhere (9/8/16)
  45. Angleberger, Tom - The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet (9/13/16)
  46. Comte de Lautréamont - Les Chants de Maldoror (10/3/16)
  47. More, Thomas - Utopia (10/10/16)
  48. Jarry, Alfred - Ubu Roi (10/10/16)
  49. Howarth, David - 1066: The Year of the Conquest (10/10/16)
  50. Lewis, C.S. - The Magician's Nephew (10/12/16)
  51. Lewis, C.S. - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (10/14/16)
  52. Lewis, C.S. - The Horse and His Boy (10/17/16)
  53. Lewis, C.S. - Prince Caspian (10/18/16)
  54. Lewis, C.S. - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (10/19/16)
  55. Lewis, C.S. - The Silver Chair (10/21/16)
  56. Lewis, C.S. - The Last Battle (10/26/16)
  57. Tolstoy, Leo - The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Short Stories (10/29/16)
  58. Tzu, Lao - Tao Te Ching (10/30/16)
  59. Oyono, Ferdinand - Houseboy (11/3/16)
  60. Voltaire - Micromegas and Other Short Fictions (11/7/16)
  61. Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart (11/16/16)
  62. Robinson, Dave - Introducing Plato (11/16/16)
  63. Achebe, Chinua - No Longer At Ease (11/22/16)
  64. Plato - The Trial and Death of Socrates (11/22/16)
  65. Plato - Two Comic Dialogues: Ion/Hippias (12/2/16)
  66. Achebe, Chinua - Arrow of God (12/9/16)
  67. White, E.B. - Charlotte's Web (12/16/16)
  68. Plato - Gorgias (12/21/16)
  69. Butor, Michel - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ape: A Caprice (12/22/16)
  70. Queneau, Raymond - The Blue Flowers (12/30/16)

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