Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Beyond Good & Evil 200-223

(Originally written August 15, 2007 in Notebook 18)

Beyond Good & Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche


[Idealogical foundation for Hitler's Super Race]

Today is an age of disintegration where races mix indiscriminately causing their offspring to be a constant war with themselves.

In their souls they have opposite drives and never achieve rest. It is for this reason that happiness has been distorted to mean rest: the rest of all rest, the sabbath of all sabbaths.

In strong men (i.e. Alcibiades, Caesar and Frederick II) they rise above this conflict and master waging war on oneself.


As long as morality is based on utility it will be done to preserve the herd.

Love of neighbor cannot exist as a part of herd morality. It is extra-moral. It is neither good nor bad. Only those things which are good for the whole society are moral and conversely only those things which are bad for the herd are immoral.

Fear of danger to the herd is the birth of morals: what is dangerous is immoral, what is safe (for the herd is moral)

"Everything that elevates an individual above the herd and intimidates the neighbor is henceforth called evil" (Nietzsche, 304).

Whatever is mediocre in desires is rendered as good or moral.

Morality aims at the goal of having nothing to fear.


Morality in Europe today is herd morality. It is a type of morality that possibly and ought to give way to a new morality, a higher morality. But this possibility and ought to is resisted by thin morality.

This residence is aided by religion, by Christianity.

"The democratic movement is the heir of the Christian movement" (Nietzsche, 306).

The anarchist and socialists, though opposed to Christianity and democracy, ni dieu ni maître (neither god nor master) is nonetheless an advocate of the herd.

Both Christians and democrats, both anarchists and socialists, all are one when it comes to the belief in the herd, a belief the community is the savior, the faith in themselves.


Democracy is a form of decay in the political organization and a form of decay of man himself.

Democracy lowers the value of man.

The new philosophers must envisage a strong, independent leader who is willing to create and exploit his society to achieve greatness.

Part 6 - We Scholars


There is no morality, only will.

We may talk of science only if we have experience of it, lest we be as blind men discussing colors.


A philosophical mind is in danger of never becoming a philosopher because of the mistrust of philosophy and the lure of becoming a "specialist" in one area.

Wisdom is seen as a kind of escape, a game, or a trick to the rabble. So the rabble deems the philosopher useless.


A scientific man is an ignoble man with ignoble virtues. He is not self-sufficient. He is a herd animal.


We must fight against the depersonalization of the spirit which is celebrated nowadays.

We must not bend to the notion of disinterested knowledge.

The scientist belongs in the hand of one who is more powerful. He belongs as an instrument to be wielded by the powerful.

The Scientist is suited for Germans, not an end.

When the scientist is mistaken for a philosopher one is giving him too much praise.

The objective man is an instrument, one that deserves praise, but he is not the goal, the conclusion or the the sunrise. He is not a bingeing.


The skeptic is frightened all too easily. He fears "no" Also he fears any decisiveness whether it be "yes" or "no".

Skepticism needs consolation from itself, assurances are given to the skeptic in form of slogans.

Skepticism is a spiritual sickliness, a nervous exhaustion.

Skepticism is doubt and doubt weakens the human. The worst par tis they doubt even the freedom of the will and the will becomes the sickliest, weakest part of the man.

Skepticism is a paralysis of the will.

Skepticism exists int he culture who are most refined. Those cultures who are barbarous see less skepticism.

"The time for petty politics is over: the very next century will bring the fight for the dominion of the earth - the compulsion to large-scale politics" (Nietzsche, 321).

[How prophetic]


The warlike age nations entered may see the development of a stronger type of skepticism.

This type of skepticism is an audacious manliness.

This type of skepticism is German skepticism and anti-romanticism.


The new philosophers will have traits of the German skepticism, but it will not be their all.

These free spirits will enjoy crusty in ripping apart "truth".

They will be un-humanitarian because they understand the truth cares not for the feelings or well-being of man.

They will mock those who find elevation in truth or beauty in delight.


The philosopher, the true philosopher may first have to be a critic, a skeptic, a dogmatist, a historian, a poet, a moralist and a scientist first. But each of these is only a precondition to becoming a philosopher.

The philosopher is above all other occupations and everything below a philosopher is a mean to the philosopher's end: the creation of values.

True philosophers are commanders and legislators; they say, "thus it shall be!"

"Their knowing is creating, their creating is legislation, their will to truth is will to power" (Nietzsche, 326).


The true philosopher is necessarily a man of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and must find himself the enemy of the ideals of today.

The philosopher's ideal is the strength of the will and must fight against all that weakness the will, even the virtues of the day.

The higher man demands more and deserves more. The lower man demands less than what is owed. Humility weakens the will.

Greatness: "being capable of being as manifold as whole, as ample as full" (Nietzsche, 329).


What a philosopher is cannot be taught; ti must be known.

A philosopher is born as such and then further cultivated. Those who are not born as such can never enter the realm of philosopher.

Part 7: Our Virtues


If we, the Europeans of the day after tomorrow, the first born of the 20th century, have virtues, they will not be simpleminded as the past


We men of the new age are colored by different moralities.

"Our actions shine alternately in different colors, they are rarely univocal" (Nietzsche, 336).


That false morality offends us is progress. Soon we rid ourselves of morality altogether.


Those who take pride in their moral tact are people you must beware of.

Those who are forceful are blessed because they get over their stupidity.


Instinct is by far the most intelligent intelligence discovered yet.


"Moral judgments and condemnations constitute the favorite revenge of the spiritually limited against those less limited" (Nietzsche, 337).

These men fight for the equality of all men before God and almost need faith in God just for that.


The things that attract the higher man to it are completely uninteresting to the common man.

Whoever has sacrificed has done so wanting something in return and has received it, if only a feeling.


Any unegoistic morality that requires all to self0denial an modesty sins against taste and provokes great men to commit sins of omission.

All moralities must be forced to bow to the order of rank until they comply with the maxim "what is right for one is fair for the other" and agree this maxim is immoral.

Those who wish to have those who laugh on their side should never wish to bee too right. It is actually a sign of good taste to have a little bit of wrong in themselves.


Pity is the only religion preached today.

When pity is preached the hearers will hear a genuine sound of self-contempt.


The plebeian European needs costumes.

A costume is some foreign or ancient custom it can wear for a while and then store away after thoroughly studying it.

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