Monday, March 26, 2007

Quick survey of world religions

(Originally Written March 26, 2007 in Book 15)

A Tapestry of Faiths
The Common Threads Between Christianity & World Religions
Winfried Corduan
Intervarsity Press: Downers Grove, IL. 2002

Chapter 1: Asking the right Questions

Insofar as Christianity is the religion that expresses the preeminence of Christ, Christianity alone is true and worthwhile.

The relationship between Christianity and other religions have many dimensions of similarity.

1. The Soteriological Dimension

2. The Content Dimension

There are many beliefs that Christianity shares with other religions.

3. The Revelatory Dimension

Many religions claim truth is grounded in revelation.

4. The Apologetic Dimension

5. The Moral Dimension

Most religions include a moral system and many areas resemble each other.

6. The Communication Dimension

A Very Brief History of Religion 

Traditional/tribal religions in contrast to enscripturated religions:

Traditional religions are closely tied to their local culture.

Traditional religions tend to be animistic and ritualistic.

They recognize nature spirits and ancestor spirits. Frequently they recognize a high god in the sky.

Western Religions in contrast to Eastern Traditions

Western traditions are largely monotheistic like Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam and Baha'i.

Monotheistic Western Religions Normally have:
1. A strong monotheistic emphasis
2. A strong ethical emphasis
3. A positive approach to history. History is an unfolding of divine revelation and action.

Eastern religions are religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Daoism, Confucianism and Shinto.

Buddhism and Jainism are direct offshoots of Hinduism.

Eastern religions are more divers in belief than Western Religions.

3. Beliefs in Contrast to Cultus:

Cultus is the rituals, altars, hymns, temples, offerings and modes of prayer.

The relationship between a belief system and its cultus can be extremely elastic.

I. Judaism

Origin: Moses, 15th Century B.C.

Essential Beliefs and Practices:
- Monotheism
- obedience to a divinely revealed law

- The Hebrew Scriptures
- Interpretations of the Scriptures (i.e. the Talmud)

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Orthodox
- Conservative
- Reform

II. Zoroastrianism

Origin: Zoroaster, 6th Century B.C.

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Monotheism
- Conflict between God (Ahura Mazda) and the evil Spirt (Angra Mainyu)
- Ethical purity
- Ritual cleanliness

Major Contemporary Division
- None

III. Christianity

Origin: Christ, 1st Century A.D.

Essential Beliefs and Practices:
- Trinitarian Monotheism
- Jesus as the Messiah

- The Bible (Old and New Testaments)

Major Contemporary Divisions:
- Eastern Orthodox
- Roman Catholic
- Protestant

IV. Islam

Origin: Muhammad, (A.D. 570 - 632)

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Monotheism
- Allah
- Judgment based on their obedience to God's requirement

- The Qu'ran
- Hadith

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Sunnite
- Shi'ites

V. Baha'i

Origin: Baha'ullah 19th Century

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Baha'ullah was the manifestation of God
- Unity of all religions
- New World Order

- The writings of Baha'ullah

Major Contemporary Divisions
- None

VI. Hinduism

Origin: 1500 B.C., religion of the Aryans who invaded the Indian subcontinent

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Extremely diverse
- Samsara (reincarnation)
- Karma

- The Vedas
- The Ramayana
- The Mahabharata
- Brahmans
- Sutras
- Puranas

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Monastic Groups
- Bhakti (personalistic)
- Vaishnavitas
- Shaivites
- Shaktites

VII. Buddhism

Origin: Gautama Buddha (600 B.C.)

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Salvation = deliverance from the reincarnation cycle
- Nirvana

- The Tripitaka
- The Lotus Sutra
- Other sutras

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Theravada (Hinayana)
- Mahayana
- Zen
- Pure Land
- Soka Gakkai
- Tibetan

VIII. Jainism

Origin: Mahavira (600 BC)

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Redemption by elimination of solid karma matter from one's soul
- Worship of the Tirthankaras

- The Agamas

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Digambaras
- Svetambaras

IX. Sikhism

Origin: Guru Nanak (16th Century A.D.)

Essential beliefs and Practices:
- There is one God who is represented on earth by the Holy Book the Adi Granth.
- Escape from the reincarnation cycle

- Adi Granth

Major Contemporary Divisions
- None

X. Daoism

Origins - Lao Zi (Lao-Tzu)

Essential beliefs and practices
- Yin & Yang

- Daodejing

Major Contemporary Divisions
- Daoism is interconnected with other religions, especially Buddhism and Confucianism

XI. Confucianism

Origins: Confucius (6th Century B.C.)

Essential Beliefs and Practices
- Ethical System

- Analects

Major Contemporary Divisions
- None

XII. Shinto

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