Wednesday, January 21, 2015


This blog is about the thirteenth or so installment of a collection of my thoughts. I seem to always be in the habit of retooling and restarting but this time (as I've said eleven or so times before) I will see the work out and keep it all under the same roof. The topics here will range from all sorts of things. I have more interests than I have time and more quick bursts of energy than patience. Some day if I ever develop the patience I'm going to use this as a resource to put some collected thoughts into essays or books. Hence, why you'll notice a near Byzantine obsession with the labeling system. Sorry if it makes you poor souls who happened to stumble upon this blog suffer some sort of vortex that pulls you deep into the depths of my ramblings. But, since this is rather unlikely as I sincerely doubt much traffic at this little provincial blog, I may simply be apologizing to a future version of my self.

But, if you don't happen to be my later existence, welcome to my mind. This blog will be more of a stream of consciousness than a systematizing collection of my beliefs. But, since I'm employing that Byzantine like administrative detail to my labeling system the stream of consciousness you see here is actually aimed at creating a systemic belief and value system. As such, this blog may contain - will likely contain contrarian positions that were it a synthesis it would be rendered internally inconsistent. But, ideas, values and beliefs evolve over time and that synthesis may never actually materialize and I may simply have to live in that scary stream of consciousness as a walking, breathing ball of contradictions.

I hope you enjoy a post or two. Some may be longer frameworks for essays. Some may be thoughts of the day either taken from my daily readings and observations in the here and now, or thoughts of the day taken from my journals dating back to the early oughts. That's just a lofty way of saying that somewhere in my mess of writings I have thoughts and other things from at least as early as 2005, when I was a bright-eyed naive 21 year-old, unstained yet by my experience. There will also be incomprehensible notes from college classes that I will enter in as close to verbatim as I wrote while in the classes. I say as close as possible because there may be sections where my handwriting was so poor and my shorthand so odd that I might have to piece together a few sections that may end up being re-scribed incorrectly.

But, anyway I hope it gives you enjoyment, spurs your interests and sparks you to undertake a more comprehensive study of the world.

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