Thursday, July 19, 2018


(Originally written July 19, 2018)


From my Goodreads account:

Any of Plato's dialogues are generally worth reading. His style and literary prowess are enough to carry him to that level. What makes some of Plato's dialogues fantastic reads is his ability to argue soundly with himself. In Philebus, you have Plato's literary quality leading the charge. The first of Socrates' dialectic sparring partners in this dialogue are Philebus who is basically as involved as the spoiled boy who announces he won't play the game because his friends chose a diferent one than what he had suggested. Like the sulking boy Philebus sits in the corner watching the game and occasionally chimes in with a retort that has nothing really to do with the conversation because he is still hurt they're playing Monopoly instead of Life. Socrates' other partner is Protarchus. Protarchus seems to have the spinal fortitude of cooked spaghetti. While the philosophical debate isn't as strong or as barbed as in other dialogues the wit, sarcasm and wordplay is just as magical and makes Philebus a good, light read.

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