Up and down
we circle round
to pick our dates
to pick our crowns
Its prom season once again.
Would you like to go, but just as friends?
Sure, why not it'll be lots of fun
When it's over just leave with some one else
Wh0 needs self-esteem when your seventeen?
Up and down
we circle round
to pick our jobs
to smile and frown
I'm sorry sir
But you just don't have the experience we're looking for
Sure of course, I understand
I'm just not your man
When you need me though
I'll be here working as the cashier
Up and Down
they circle round
to pick the stone
to throw it down
No job and no degree,
No wife, no girl, just misery
Up and down
we circle round
to pick our dates
to pick our crowns
Thanks you so much for the reminder
And I'll be sure to let her know when I find her...
What a fuck up I am
Up and down
we circle round
Up and down
we circle round